Today is the day! This Giving Tuesday, please join us in our mission to eliminate disparities in every Materno-Toxic area in the United States. Your financial support, in combination with the passion and commitment of our Perinatal Safe Spot members, allows us to...
"Everyone gets to see the beauty of the tree in bloom, but without the ROOTT beneath, it would not grow. There is another story about Black mothers, infants, and families. One that begins with the root causes of our health disparities and can end with our joy and...
We are so excited to see National Perinatal Task Force Perinatal Safe Spots getting the support needed to improve maternal child outcomes and expand the workforce. Merck Announced a second cohort of safer childbirth cities organizations committed to improving maternal...
Congratulations Birth Detroit! Chief Executive Officer of Commonsense Childbirth Inc. (CCI) and Founder of CCI EASY ACCESS CLINIC "The JJ WayⓇ," Jennie Joseph, made a trip to Detroit to the Perinatal Safe Spot (PSS) Birth Detroit, completing one of the many...
In depth and thorough reporting, covering all aspects of how we got here, and what we can do about it. This poignant article provides a full history and highlights the amazing Midwife Demetra Seriki, among other hero’s, who speak eloquently to the genesis AND the...
As birth workers, we often work in isolation and face heavy challenges. How do we weave together and harness our collective power? How do we develop collective leadership to be the vehicle that holds our work? As a follow-up to developing our collective care...
This month, the National Perinatal Task Force (NPTF) would like to highlight NPTF Perinatal Safe Spot ROOTT (Restoring Our Own Through Transformation). ROOTT is a Black women-led reproductive justice organization dedicated to collectively restoring our well-being...
{Morning Thoughts} So, I’m still on an extreme high and resonating with the healing that occurred this past weekend, as we gathered a group of #PerinatalSafeSpot owners and #MaternalJustice warriors in Austin for our inaugural National Perinatal Task Force Convening...
The National Perinatal Task Force is participating in the 2019 Black Maternal Health Week. Join the Black Mamas Matter Alliance and the National Perinatal Task Force April 11-17, 2019 for a week of awareness raising, activism, and community building for Black Mamas!...
On Saturday February 9, 2019, a group of birth workers gathered in Providence, RI to participate in the Maternal Child Specialist (MCH) training developed and facilitated by midwife Jennie Joseph. Based on her model the JJ Way®, this course is a training and...
Giving Tuesday
by Corrinna Edwards | Nov 30, 2021 | News | 0 Comments
Today is the day! This Giving Tuesday, please join us in our mission to eliminate disparities in every Materno-Toxic area in the United States. Your financial support, in combination with the passion and commitment of our Perinatal Safe Spot members, allows us to...
Why Perinatal Safe Spot ROOTT is Leading in Community Care
by Corrinna Edwards | Mar 3, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments
"Everyone gets to see the beauty of the tree in bloom, but without the ROOTT beneath, it would not grow. There is another story about Black mothers, infants, and families. One that begins with the root causes of our health disparities and can end with our joy and...
Congratulations to the Perinatal Safe Spot’s Earning the Merck Grant
by Corrinna Edwards | Feb 14, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments
We are so excited to see National Perinatal Task Force Perinatal Safe Spots getting the support needed to improve maternal child outcomes and expand the workforce. Merck Announced a second cohort of safer childbirth cities organizations committed to improving maternal...
Birth Detroit to be the First Nationally Accredited EASY ACCESS CLINIC – The JJ WayⓇ
by Corrinna Edwards | Dec 11, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments
Congratulations Birth Detroit! Chief Executive Officer of Commonsense Childbirth Inc. (CCI) and Founder of CCI EASY ACCESS CLINIC "The JJ WayⓇ," Jennie Joseph, made a trip to Detroit to the Perinatal Safe Spot (PSS) Birth Detroit, completing one of the many...
For People of Color, Could Home Births Be Safer Than Hospitals?
by Corrinna Edwards | Feb 19, 2020 | News | 0 Comments
In depth and thorough reporting, covering all aspects of how we got here, and what we can do about it. This poignant article provides a full history and highlights the amazing Midwife Demetra Seriki, among other hero’s, who speak eloquently to the genesis AND the...
Collective Leadership Call for POC Birthworkers and Perinatal Professionals
by Jennie Joseph | Jan 10, 2020 | News | 0 Comments
As birth workers, we often work in isolation and face heavy challenges. How do we weave together and harness our collective power? How do we develop collective leadership to be the vehicle that holds our work? As a follow-up to developing our collective care...
National Perinatal Task Force Perinatal Safe Spot Spotlight – ROOTT
by Corrinna Edwards | Jun 4, 2019 | News | 0 Comments
This month, the National Perinatal Task Force (NPTF) would like to highlight NPTF Perinatal Safe Spot ROOTT (Restoring Our Own Through Transformation). ROOTT is a Black women-led reproductive justice organization dedicated to collectively restoring our well-being...
{Morning Thoughts} 5/23/19
by Jennie Joseph | May 23, 2019 | Morning Thoughts | 0 Comments
{Morning Thoughts} So, I’m still on an extreme high and resonating with the healing that occurred this past weekend, as we gathered a group of #PerinatalSafeSpot owners and #MaternalJustice warriors in Austin for our inaugural National Perinatal Task Force Convening...
Black Maternal Health week
by Corrinna Edwards | Apr 9, 2019 | News | 0 Comments
The National Perinatal Task Force is participating in the 2019 Black Maternal Health Week. Join the Black Mamas Matter Alliance and the National Perinatal Task Force April 11-17, 2019 for a week of awareness raising, activism, and community building for Black Mamas!...
Rhode Island Training Brings Together Those Interested in Perinatal Health in Providence
by Corrinna Edwards | Apr 9, 2019 | News | 0 Comments
On Saturday February 9, 2019, a group of birth workers gathered in Providence, RI to participate in the Maternal Child Specialist (MCH) training developed and facilitated by midwife Jennie Joseph. Based on her model the JJ Way®, this course is a training and...
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