Become an Officially Sanctioned Safe Spot

What are National Perinatal Safe Spots?

These are a national network of official virtual and physical, community-embedded practices and perinatal professionals providing direct services. Visit the Perinatal Safe Spots page to view current safe spots, the Council of Midwifery Elders and Developing Safe Spots. The Safe Spots are the roots of the National Perinatal Task Force, modeling the vision and birthing a just and loving world through practice.

Developing Perinatal Safe Spots – COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE – Developing Safe Spots are eligible to receive technical support and training to own/operate an official Safe Spot.

A Promising Perinatal Safe Spot is:

  • A place to connect moms, family members, community, to each other and the baby
  • A judgment-free zone that can be physical or virtual
  • Unique to individual communities, ZIP Codes, Maternal Toxic Areas – breaking through the real barriers to quality care
  • Giving mothers the real tools they need to have power and agency in their childbearing decisions
  • A place to gain knowledge for the healthiest pregnancy, mom, and baby
  • Physical, emotional and informational support so childbearing families have true options

Criteria for becoming a Perinatal Safe Spot:

Identify the Materno-toxic Area being served:

  • Must identify which neighborhood, city, zip code, region is the Materno-toxic Area you are willing to support
  • Must be able to quote the statistics, if available – Preterm birth rate, Low Birth Weight rate, Infant Mortality, Maternal Mortality, Maternal Morbidity

These are the services you will be asked to provide as a Perinatal Safe Spot:

  • Must state at a minimum, one intention to provide a service/support/resource to one or more people from that Area, whether mother/family, community or worker on the ground.
  • Report progress, obstacles, concerns to us on a regular basis.
  • Collect and share outcomes to illustrate impact of the work.
  • Collaborate in a professional and collegial way both locally and nationally, representing who we are as Task Force members, always Agree to be identified as a Perinatal Safe Spot (PSS). 
  • Be listed as a contact in our national database as a Perinatal Safe Spot.
  • Be acknowledged on our web and social media sites.
  • Receive and display proprietary branded products, minimally a DECAL/BADGE or LOGO which you should post, display and use while you are a designated Perinatal Safe Spot.