Become a Member

What are first steps to getting involved?

There are many ways to get involved as an individual, a business, an organization, or all.

  1. The first step is knowing that you belong and how critical your participation is to this grass roots movement, by understanding each membership level’s criteria.
  2. Join the National Perinatal Task Force as an Ignitor, a Supporter, an Amplifier, or an official Perinatal Safe Spot. 
  3. Watch the National Perinatal Task Force Orientation Webinar to get a better understanding of the collective power, building, leadership, and vision. Each month a new live webinar is hosted by collective leadership with Jennie Joseph, covering various topics, solidarity skill-building, mentorship, support, and training. Non-members can participate in one webinar only before joining.
  4. Spread the Word! Help support our Mission and Vision in your State or Nation, by sharing our mission with others you believe to be doing this work or supporting this work.


Individuals taking action in their community. NPTF amplifiers raise consciousness via education and activism to amplify the vision of birthing a just and loving world.

Click here for 50 ways that you can start to be a Task Force Amplifier.


Collectives/organizations taking action in their community. NPTF Igniters spark collectives by building local collective efforts to launch new PSSs and/or maternal justice community organizing projects towards the vision of birthing a just and loving world.


Individuals, collectives or organizations of official virtual and physical, community-embedded practices and perinatal professionals providing direct services. PSSs are made up of people using their shared cultural and lived experience to advance collective self-determination and maternal justice in their communities.

*If you wish to become a Perinatal Safe Spot you must meet the following requirements:
  • Provide a judgment-free zone that can be physical or virtual
  • Provide a place to connect moms, family members, community, to each other and the baby
  • Be of the same lived experience as the populations in crisis and break through the real barriers to quality care
  • Give families the real tools they need to have power and agency in their childbearing decisions
  • Nurture a place to gain knowledge for the healthiest pregnancy, mom, and baby
  • Be a physical, emotional and informational support function so childbearing families have true options

Not ready to join but still want to be involved?

  • Share and “like” the Face Book page – National Perinatal Task Force
  • Learn the statistics for your community
  • Share with others in your circles about these issues
  • Get on our mailing list so you can keep up to date with what’s happening
  • Read about the Official Criteria informationfor becoming a PSS to recognize others who maybe doing this work, but who are not on the list or map