Here at Divine Sou’las our practice is preconception to end of life. I specialize with Vbacs, home births, scheduled c sections, teen pregnancy, preeclampsia prevention, herbalism, massage therapy & womb healing.
Mission statement: “Our mission is to decrease maternal death rates for all women but especially all indigenous women of color. We aim to see more balanced and aligned individuals thriving in the birth spaces & communities. Once we heal ourWombs we heal our families. Healing generations means getting right with our rebirth/death as well. So we aim to provide holistic support for those in hospice or within 3 year of transition. Why? Because it’s never to late to heal from any type of trauma or to simply have a friend.”
Vision statement: “Our vision is to transform into an agency that provides sponsored services for all brown families that desire a companion. Whether it’s for their pregnancy, labor & birth, 4 trimester or end of life. If they want the support, they deserve it. With this agency we will decrease the maternal death rate for POC, reclaim the strength our communities need, support low-income families with luxury care, all while making rebirths & transitions easier to manage.”
I travel, accept payment plans for those paying, 19 & under is always free