Our vision is to build upon the assets of our hardest-to-reach pregnant people, children, and caregivers so that we can co-create a beloved community in maternal health and early education where everyone is treated with dignity.
Our BEE Birthing A Community Coalition is a multi-generational network and Community of Practice for birth workers in South Carolina. We recruit, train, and support a new generation of birth workers that honor the wisdom and traditions of the many elder and ancestor granny-midwives that have served and protected our communities.
As a Perinatal Safe Spot we offer access to free full spectrum doula services, mental health referrals, crisis housing, food, transportation, birthing and lactation supplies to hard-to-reach birthing and parenting families in the Lowcountry region of South Carolina. Please browse our inventory here: https://beecollective.myturn.com/library/inventory/browse
We exist to reduce maternal and infant mortality and morbidity in the Lowcountry of South Carolina.